Posts tagged "frontend"

Advanced nth-child Selectors

Frontend developers have long known that CSS nth-child selectors may be combined to yield interesting and practical results. Most commonly, this technique is applied to select all items in a list when there are more than N children, less than N children, exactly N children, or between N and M children. However these simple selectors may also be combined in other ways to produce even more advanced selectors.

Learn how to use complex CSS nth-child selectors

Designing & Optimizing Favicons

Favicons, or favorites icons, provide users a visual way to differentiate between a browser’s tabs, bookmarks, favorites, and history items. Depending on browsing habits, a user may have more exposure to a website’s favicon than its logo. To craft a favicon that improves user experience and entices users to return to a site, authors should ensure that the favicon is unique, crisp and well optimized.

Learn how to create optimized favicons

Ambient Video

Ambient videos create engaging, “interactive” layouts by setting a video as the background of a page or a section of a page. While this design technique can evoke a powerful emotional response, special care must be taken to ensure that implementation does not negatively impact user experience.

As a rule, ambient videos (also referred to as “environmental videos” or background videos) should not include audio. Generally, these videos do not require user interaction to begin playback and loop seamlessly. In many ways, ambient videos resemble animated GIFs; cinemagraphs are particularly well suited for ambient videos.

Challenges of ambient video include accessibility, playback compatibility, and performance.

Learn how to create ambient videos

CSS Font Units

When Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase “the medium is the message”, he referred to a concept which lends itself well to modern day web design. He contended that the medium in which a message is delivered affects how that message is perceived. In the same way, today’s web developers must select the appropriate font units for the medium where their work is presented. The choice of font units has a literal impact on how the message is perceived. Therefore, it is important for designers and developers alike to be aware of what units are available and when to use them.

Discover how to use relative font units to create flexible layouts
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