Attributes vs Categories

Information architecture is one of the most important user experience elements of a website because it directly affects navigation, often affects URL structure, and it is important to both SEO and conversion optimization. On ecommerce websites, product “merchandising” may impact aspects of information architecture. To ensure that users can find the information they are looking for as quickly and as easily as possible, it is important to understand the technical differences between categories and attributes.

Learn the technical differences between categories and attributes

Flat vs Hierarchical URL Structure

Some SEO consultants recommend “flat” URL structures. However, there is no evidence that a flat URL structure is better than a clearly hierarchical URL structure. While there is some debate in the SEO community, most reputable sources agree that there is no SEO/SERP benefit to flattening URL structure, and that hierarchical URLs are better for UX, crawling, and data analysis.

Learn how to best structure URLs for SEO and UX

Crafting 301 Redirects

When launching a website on a new platform or when changing the information architecture of a website, it is usually necessary to configure redirects to ensure users can locate the content they expect even when accessing the website via legacy URLs. These redirects also instruct search engines to reindex content at a new location and transfer page ranking.

Learn how locate and redirect URLs for URL migrations

CSS Font Units

When Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase “the medium is the message”, he referred to a concept which lends itself well to modern day web design. He contended that the medium in which a message is delivered affects how that message is perceived. In the same way, today’s web developers must select the appropriate font units for the medium where their work is presented. The choice of font units has a literal impact on how the message is perceived. Therefore, it is important for designers and developers alike to be aware of what units are available and when to use them.

Discover how to use relative font units to create flexible layouts
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